Terms of Use

The terms and conditions mentioned on this Page will govern all issues in relation to your access to https://www.Quipthomemedical.com (hereafter referred as Quipt Home Medical, QHM, we, our, us), or use of its technical information related to respiratory care solutions, medical care devices, market trends, job openings, investment options, or participation in blogs, forums, social media, and other promotional events (collectively referred as the Services) being offered or made available on this website or the websites of its partners, subsidiaries, licensors, suppliers, affiliates and service providers (referred as the Collaborating Partners).

Accessing Quipthomemedical.com or using the Services being offered on this website or the websites of its collaborating partners shall be deemed as your consent to accept and abide by these terms and conditions. Clicking I Agree button or related syntaxes on any part of this website or interface of your device shall be deemed as your digital signature and create a legally binding agreement with Quipt Home Medical. If you don’t agree or have any reservation against this agreement, please stop accessing this website and discontinue the Services.

When you enter this agreement with QHM, it shall be deemed that you are legally mature and otherwise qualified to enter a binding agreement, and if you are not, accessing the website or using the Services under the supervision and guidance of your legal guardian, who shall consent to this agreement. All activities without entering this agreement shall be deemed as unauthorized access.

QHM reserves a discretionary right to monitor your activities on this website. If we believe or become aware at any point that you have violated any provision of this agreement or the applicable laws, we may prevent any further use of the Service and disclose your personal information, purchased shares, records, and/or other communications to the relevant authorities/third parties in our sole discretion.

All job openings being listed on the career page of this website shall be subject to the sole discretion of QHM. We reserve a right to close any job opening or stop the recruitment process at any stage without any obligations to inform the prospective candidates about the reasons of any such discontinuation of the recruitment process. QHM shall be entitled to recruit the most suitable candidates, as solely determined by it.


Access to Quipthomemedical.com shall be free and voluntary, but you may subscribe our newsletter service to stay informed of cutting-edge technologies in the respiratory/medical care industry and receive updates on market trends, technical information, job openings, investment options, and earning potentials in the home medical care industry. When you subscribe to our newsletter service, you may be required to submit your name, email address, and other personal information which will be processed according to our privacy policy.

Copyright and Trademarks

All content and presentation of this website, including the respiratory care solutions, medical care devices, pictures, descriptions, specifications, and related texts, logos, icons, trademarks, service marks, and service names being featured on this website are the exclusive property of Quipt Home Medical and/or its collaborating partners, fully protected by the U.S. copyright and trademark laws and relevant international conventions. Copyright @ 2018 Quipt Home Medical. All rights reserved.

You may download a single copy of the images, technical information, market trends data, growth potentials of home medical care industry, or other shared content for personal and non-commercial use, but nothing in this agreement shall grant you any rights to edit, copy, reproduce, transfer or redistribute the accessed/downloaded content for selling, leasing, republishing, creating derivative work or exploiting it in any manner or media without obtaining a written permission from Quipt Home Medical.

You are not allowed to alter the sequences of any text, picture, data, presentation or illustration in the accessed/downloaded content or remove the copyrights, trademarks, or relevant proprietary rights notice from such content.


The website and its Services shall be used for lawful purposes only. Using the Services for unauthorized trading in our shares, engaging in money laundering activities, or supporting any terrorist/sanctioned organization shall be strictly prohibited.

You should ensure that you are legally allowed to use the website/Service in your region or home country and by doing so, you are not violating any local, state, federal, and international laws or infringing others’ proprietary rights, including their copyrights or intellectual property.

Privacy Policy

QHM reserves a right to share your personal information with the Collaborating Partners and other third parties, as determined by it. However, all such sharing or disclosure of your personal information will take place according to our Privacy Statement, which shall be deemed as a part of this agreement.


You shall indemnify QHM and hold its principal, partners, subsidiaries, licensors, suppliers, service providers, affiliates, agents, executives and employees harmless against all losses, damages, claims or consequences, including the administrative costs or legal expenses that may arise in relation to:

• Your violation of this agreement or the applicable laws.
• Your ability or inability to use the website/Services.
• Your violation of third party rights, including their copyrights, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights.
• Your use or misuse of the Services and related blogs, forums, social media, or other resources being made available on this website.

Disclaimer of Warranties

QHM disclaims all warranties and representation to the maximum extent permissible under the applicable laws. Unless otherwise mentioned in your agreement with QHM, nothing on this website or your communications with the support executives, whether oral or written, shall create any kinds of implicit or implied warranties or representations, including but not limited to the warranties of authenticity, accuracy, reliability, merchantability, availability, or suitability of respiratory/medical care solutions, technical information, medical care devices, job opportunities, investment options, or other products and services being featured or made available on the website.

Please acknowledge that the content on this website, including the respiratory/medical care solutions, medical care devices, job opportunities, investment options and related descriptions, presentations, specifications, technical information, price quotes, views, reviews, advice, suggestions, and recommendations are being provided on as it is and for information purpose only. Shares trading and related investment options are subject to market volatility. We do not guarantee that you will make any profit by purchasing our shares or investing in other investment options being offered or made available on the website. You shall do your own research and apply your prudence before relying on any technical information or market trends being featured on this website.

We do not guarantee that by applying to any open positions, being listed on the career page of this website or otherwise, you will get any response, interviewed, or hired to fill the outlined vacancies. We do not guarantee that the job descriptions, educational or professional requirements, job specifications, or the challenges of the work environment at Quipt Home Medical or its subsidiaries will meet your needs, preferences, or expectations. We hereby disclaim all such warranties and representations.

Please acknowledge that nothing on this website shall create any kinds of guarantee or representation that the Services will be free from errors and omissions, viruses or malicious codes, interruptions, and/or infringements, and any or all such occurrences will be restored/corrected immediately or promptly.

Please acknowledge that third-party logos, trademarks, and service marks that have been featured on this website are not associated, linked or affiliated to QHM. Such logos, trademarks, and service marks are exclusive properties of their respective owners/service providers. Featuring third-party logos, trademarks and service marks don’t mean that we are endorsing/recommending their products and services.

Limitation of Liabilities

Quipt Home Medical shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, minor, major, exemplary or special damages, including but not limited to the loss of goodwill, credibility, potential business, data or other intangible losses that may arise due to your ability or inability to access the website or use its respiratory/medical care solutions, technical information, medical care devices, job opportunities, investment options, or any other features/services being offered or made available on the website, irrespective of the fact that such losses result from any misrepresentation, breach of contract, negligence of duty/statutory responsibilities, or tort by QHM and/or its collaborating partners or otherwise, and the possibility of such liabilities was already conveyed to it.

The exclusion of incidental and consequential damages is not permitted in some jurisdictions, and therefore, this limitation of liabilities will apply to the extent permitted in your jurisdiction.

Miscellaneous Provisions

These terms and conditions shall be part of your entire agreement with QHM, including the Privacy Policy, End-user Licenses and additional agreements that you might enter for using respiratory/medical care solutions, technical information, devices, products, services, job opportunities, or investment options being offered or made available on the website.

If any clause of this agreement is declared null and void by the courts or otherwise becomes redundant, the impugned clause/s shall be severed and the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain unaffected.

If QHM ignores any non-compliance or unable to strictly enforce this agreement due to specific circumstances, it shall never be deemed as a general waiver of its right to demand a strict compliance for any subsequent violations.

All declarations, notifications, and communications related to the Service shall be carried out through electronic/digital media.

Dispute Resolution

The parties to this agreement shall consent to resolve all their disputes through mutual negotiations. You can register your concerns or complaints at any time by using the contact forms on the website.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions shall be interpreted according to the laws of the United States. The parties to this agreement shall consent to submit before the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the United States.

Changes in this Agreement

QHM reserves a right to modify or replace these terms and conditions at its sole discretion. If this agreement is substantially modified, we will publish a notification and take appropriate measures (for example, we may send an email alert at your primary email address registered with us) to inform you about the changes in this agreement.

Once notified, the modified terms and conditions shall supersede all previous versions of this agreement. Continued access to this website or use of any feature/service after such modifications shall be deemed as your consent to accept and abide by the modified agreement.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, you can submit your queries through our contact form or reach us at [email protected].